Miu Miuのインスタグラム(miumiu) - 8月18日 01時11分

? @pollymorganartist for #girlinmiumiu ? “I'm kind of a modest person and I always play my achievements down, which certainly isn’t a strength – it annoys me, really, and I admire the Americans for being able to big themselves up; it feels so British to be like that. But I think what I'm most proud of is the fact that I'm self-made. Everything that I've got has been paid for with my own money; I’ve never been given hand-outs by family or the state, and I've done everything without having to settle down and get the sort of job that everyone kept telling me to get during my twenties. I’m proud that I’ve managed to find something I love doing, and make a niche for myself within that.” – part 9 of 9, interview @oliviajsinger, ? @timowirsching #miumiuAUTOMNE16


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