米粉で作るお好み焼きです✨。 簡単でヘルシーなお好み焼きを作ってみました。米粉と長芋を使っているのでふわっと軽い食感になってます。野菜をたくさんとれるレシピなので、お好きな野菜を入れて作ってみて下さい? 昆布パウダーは色々な料理に使えて便利なので、この機会に常備してみてはどうでしょう? 《材料 2枚分》 ・長芋…260g(すりおろし180g 短冊切り80g) ・キャベツ…110g(1/6個) ・生姜…半かけ ・青ネギ…3本(トッピング用に少量とっておく) ・油揚げ…半分 ・昆布パウダー…小さじ1/2 ・塩…小さじ1/2 ・醤油…大さじ1/2 ・水…50g ・米粉…30g ・油…適量 ・中濃ソース…適量 ・豆乳マヨネーズ…適量 ・お好みのトッピング (撮影ではフラックスシードパウダー)適量 《作り方》 <1>キャベツを千切り、青ネギを小口切り、長芋80gを短冊切り、油揚げを細切り、生姜はすりおろしにしてボウルに全て入れておく。 <2>塩、醤油、昆布パウダーを<1>に入れよく混ぜる。 <3>残りの長芋をすりおろしたものと水を<2>に入れ合わせる。 <4>米粉を入れ、よく混ぜ温めたフライパンに油を入れ焼く。 <5>中濃ソース、豆乳マヨネーズ、青ネギ、ほかに好きな材料でトッピングし完成! ---------ENGLISH HERE---------------- This week’s recipe is Okonomiyaki made with rice flour. This is an easy but also healthy Okonomiyaki. Rice flour and Chinese yam make the dish soft and fluffy. Put favorite vegetables as Okonomiyaki is the recipe that you are able to intake its nutrition. Kombu powder is very useful as it can be put in different types of cuisines. Why don't you keep it on this occasion? [Ingredients] for 2 ・ Chinese yam: 260g (180g of grinded yam, 80g of rectangular slices) ・ Cabbage: 110g (1/6) ・ Ginger: a half clove ・ Spring onion: 3 (also for topping) ・ Deep fried bean curd: a half ・ Kombu powder: 1/2 teaspoon ・ Salt: 1/2 teaspoon ・ Soy sauce: 1/2 tablespoon ・ Water: 50g ・ Rice flour: 30g ・ Oil: a proper amount ・ Semi-sweet sauce: a proper amount ・ Soy mayonnaise: a proper amount ・ Favorite topping (flux seed powder is used in the movie): a proper amount [How to make] 1. Shred cabbage; cut spring onion into thin slices; cut 80g of Chinese yam into rectangular slices; cut bean curd into thins slices; grind ginger; and put everything in a bowl. 2. Put salt, soy sauce and kombu powder in step 1 and mix well. 3. Add 180g of grinded Chinese yam and water in step 2 and mix well. 4. Put rice flour and mix well. Then, cook on a hot plate with oil. 5. Topping semi-sweet sauce, soy mayonnaise, spring onion and any other favorite ingredients at last. #food #recipe #instacook #cooking #homemade #yum #delish #tokyo #vegan #okonomiyaki #料理 #ごはん #おうちごはん #ビデリシャス #ビーガン #晩ご飯 #お好み焼き #米粉 #ヘルシー

videliciousnessさん(@videliciousness)が投稿した動画 -

ビデリシャス -おいしい動画-のインスタグラム(videliciousness) - 2月17日 16時06分

《材料 2枚分》
・長芋…260g(すりおろし180g 短冊切り80g)
---------ENGLISH HERE----------------
This week’s recipe is Okonomiyaki made with rice flour.

This is an easy but also healthy Okonomiyaki.

Rice flour and Chinese yam make the dish soft and fluffy. Put favorite vegetables as Okonomiyaki is the recipe that you are able to intake its nutrition.

Kombu powder is very useful as it can be put in different types of cuisines. Why don't you keep it on this occasion? [Ingredients] for 2
・ Chinese yam: 260g (180g of grinded yam, 80g of rectangular slices)
・ Cabbage: 110g (1/6)
・ Ginger: a half clove
・ Spring onion: 3 (also for topping)
・ Deep fried bean curd: a half
・ Kombu powder: 1/2 teaspoon
・ Salt: 1/2 teaspoon
・ Soy sauce: 1/2 tablespoon
・ Water: 50g
・ Rice flour: 30g
・ Oil: a proper amount
・ Semi-sweet sauce: a proper amount
・ Soy mayonnaise: a proper amount
・ Favorite topping (flux seed powder is used in the movie): a proper amount
[How to make]
1. Shred cabbage; cut spring onion into thin slices; cut 80g of Chinese yam into rectangular slices; cut bean curd into thins slices; grind ginger; and put everything in a bowl.
2. Put salt, soy sauce and kombu powder in step 1 and mix well.
3. Add 180g of grinded Chinese yam and water in step 2 and mix well.
4. Put rice flour and mix well. Then, cook on a hot plate with oil.
5. Topping semi-sweet sauce, soy mayonnaise, spring onion and any other favorite ingredients at last.

#food #recipe #instacook #cooking #homemade #yum #delish #tokyo #vegan #okonomiyaki #料理 #ごはん #おうちごはん #ビデリシャス #ビーガン #晩ご飯 #お好み焼き #米粉 #ヘルシー

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