Paige Hathawayのインスタグラム(paigehathaway) - 2月20日 11時13分

I just wrote a new workbook for my Spring #Fitin5 Challenge contestants called "The Success System." Its a fail-proof system that maps out to the T the exact steps you need to take in order to conquer a goal. While writing it, it left me thinking about how many people actually have succeeded at achieving a desired goal?
How many times have you heard it said, “Just believe that you can do it and you can?" Did you know that belief plays a huge role in your success? Belief empowers a person to do what others may consider impossible. The most simple act of believing is the starting force, the generating power that leads to accomplishment. To be success you must believe but belief is not the only thing needed to get you to the finish line. Belief is just the laces to the race but you still need tennis shoes, oxygen and legs. Belief alone will not make you successful there are many other elements that come into play and are needed to reach your maximum potential but guess what.. We are all capable of reaching our potential. The crazy part is MOST of us don't reach our maximum potential. Not even close. Why don't people reach their full potential and HOW CAN YOU?
Have you ever been absolutely and singly focused on something...? and then achieved what you were focused on achieving? What was it? and what was that like?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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