ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月25日 05時55分

@mattrothphoto photographed 7-year-old Jeremiah Williams during a workout at Upton #Boxing Center, a gym in one of Baltimore’s most blighted neighborhoods. One of its coaches, Calvin Ford, was the model for a character in “The Wire” — Cutty, an ex-con who opened a gym after realizing that the streets he returned to had grown harder than he could handle. In real life, Calvin, along with Kenny Ellis, runs training sessions 5 nights a week, showing young people the angles of the trade and keeping them off the streets. The coaches have been involved with fighting, in one way or another, for most of their lives. Calvin, 52, was once a violent lieutenant in the Boardley-Burrows drug organization, which controlled parts of West #Baltimore in the 1980s. In 1988, he was convicted of racketeering and conspiracy and served 10 years in a federal prison, where he learned to box. Today, he’s a soft-spoken man and a father figure to dozens of kids. Visit the link in our profile to read about Calvin Ford and the champions he’s nurturing.


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