National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 4月26日 23時03分

Video by @bertiegregory for my wildlife adventure YouTube series for Nat Geo. See link in my personal bio to watch. A black bear catches a male chum salmon in a small river on the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada. After navigating 100s if not 1000s of miles of open ocean dodging orca, seals and sea lions to the exact the river in which it was born, this salmon then had to fight the flow of water up rapids and waterfalls. Even after achieving all of that, it fell short of its target as a rest in a little side pool proved fatal. What’s even more frustrating for this salmon is that it’s in great condition and about half a second into this video you can see the pressure applied by the bear causes sperm to fly out showing it was ready to breed. An amazing scene to witness but you’ve got to feel sorry for the salmon! Follow @bertiegregory for more wildlife adventures.

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