ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 5月22日 20時31分

Ok! This is it. Last day to register!! If you haven't already you have until 23.59 TONIGHT. It takes minutes, all you need is your name, address and national insurance number. Click the link, it is in my bio!! In 2017 it's more important than ever to use your voice wherever possible.
Use your voice regarding immigration policies, war, nuclear weapons, our relationship with America, with Europe whilst we leave the EU, what's happening in our own country, the NHS...free healthcare to me is so so vital, I've said it before but I will repeat, I have seen friends with full time jobs sit in hospitals in America and refuse treatment in emergency situations because of the cost. Free healthcare is a human right not a benefit of being rich. Do something to protect that.
Our parents pensions are at stake, young people's education and how much it costs them. Debt. The arts and mental health services. There's no way you can deny this vote will impact your life and the lives of your loved ones. If you think it won't I can tell you with certainty, it's a fact, not my opinion, this will impact your life. Get involved in helping make the decision about who will be making decisions on your behalf. Register now, link in my bio. Thanks for the art @lazyoafs ?


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