thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 5月26日 07時14分

Photo by Stephen Alvarez (@salvarezphoto) The glory of public land is that it belongs to all of us! Right now the Department of the Interior is reviewing National Monument designation for 26 monuments. They are doing it with an eye to roll back or eliminate protection for much of our public land. Research has shown that anytime public land is given to the states it results in less protection and limited public access.
The Bears Ears -where this photo was made- is on the top of the chopping block. The Bears Ears contains over 100,000 archeological sites. The Monument was developed with extensive local consultation and a groundbreaking coalition of Native American Tribal Governments. Lend your voice with a letter to the Department of the Interior or a phone call 202-208-7351 The Comment period ends tomorrow.
#bearsears #monumentsforall #keepitpublic


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