Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 7月14日 01時26分

Lifting Weights ?? The one form of training which has stayed consistently in my routine since the very beginning. Admittedly, my love for lifting weights has wavered over the past few years. I've had times when I loved it and times when I just wasn't feeling it. Times when I lifted 5 days a week and times when I lifted once a week. And I just want to say... that's ok. Fitness is for LIFE. You can't be expected the train the same way forever. Quite frankly, that would be boring! That's why I always love to mix it up. I do classes. I do gymnastics. I do boxing. I run. I lift. I'm up for trying anything! I dabble and I'm not ashamed of that. I think sometimes you see the girls on Instagram all lifting weights and you think that's what you HAVE to do. If you love it, go for it. And if you don't, don't force yourself. Enjoyment leads to sustainability so prioritise finding forms of training which you actually look forward to doing! ?? I personally have fallen back in love with weights recently. It makes me feel so damn strong and empowered. The feeling of satisfaction when you push yourself to lift a little heavier is incredible. Plus I feel reassured knowing that I am supporting my bone health too ?? Wearing @adidasuk at @fitnessfirstuk ? #girlgains #strongzvd #strongsquad #livingconsciouslycrew


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