スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 7月20日 01時02分

“Respiratory issues are common among orangutans in human care. What isn’t common is training an orangutan to receive chest x-rays. The primate keeper team, led by Amanda Bania and Becky Malinsky, did just that when they noticed Batang’s mild respiratory issues flaring up. With Batang pregnant and then subsequently caring for an infant, veterinarians asked the team to develop a way for vets to monitor Batang’s throat sac and lungs without need for anesthesia or separation from her infant, Redd. After much team brainstorming, keeper Emily Bricker had an ingenious idea to put the radiograph plate on a door and a track. The Metal Shop team quickly created and installed the device, and within three months, Batang was trained to voluntarily participate in radiographs. For most keepers, training Batang seemed the easiest part of the process! It is a feat to be proud of and shows teamwork at its finest.” – Meredith Bastian, curator of Primates #NZKW2017 @fonznationalzoo


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