TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月29日 07時15分

En route to Saturn, the now-defunct Cassini space probe flew by the south pole of Jupiter in 2000, picking up a velocity boost from the planet’s gravity field. Jupiter’s great red spot is visible at the 10 o’clock position; a freckling of white ovals—most distinct at eight and nine o’clock—likely indicate deep atmospheric storms. As with all planetary flybys, the gravity boost Cassini got did not come free. Jupiter sped the spacecraft up by thousands of miles per hour and Cassini, in turn, slowed Jupiter’s orbit down by a vanishingly tiny amount. Physics is fastidious about balancing its books. In the new book 'Universe: Exploring the Astronomical World,' an international panel of academics, artists, astronomers and more have collected a series of engravings, paintings, sketches and photographs, showing how our view of the cosmos has slowly changed. See more on TIME.com. Photograph by @NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute


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