コリン・キャパニックのインスタグラム(kaepernick7) - 2月1日 23時21分

They don’t want us to pledge…So what we gonna do? PLEDGE MORE! That’s right! By popular demand, we are continuing the giving with an Encore of donations for the #MillionDollarPledge and #10for10! After I completed $1,000,000 in donations yesterday, many of my celebrity friends hit me and asked if they could still give - I could not turn down their generosity so we’re gonna keep this pledge going! If you couldn’t already tell by my opening caption, this next brother hustles non-stop. You might see him touring with Beyonce, DJing at the HOTTEST clubs, making a TV appearance, or watch him go live on social media…ALL at the same time! This is none other than my friend, @DJキャレド!! My brother Khaled chose to donate $10,000 to an organization that I’ve worked with many times and previously donated to. The Lower East Side Girls Club in NYC! My brother Khaled’s donation will help @girlsclubny continue to connect girls and young women in NYC to healthy and successful futures! Thank you, Khaled for your continued support and lacing us with $10k so that the LESGC may continue to help mold our young women into the future leaders of tomorrow.

Hit up Kaepernick7.com for more info on the donations and my Million Dollar Pledge #Encore.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




