ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月31日 01時54分

In the days since #StephonClark, 22, was fatally shot by officers in his south Sacramento neighborhood, protesters have stormed City Hall and taken to the streets in anger. The killing, they say, is a sign of a police force that treats black residents with disdain and disproportionately targets their neighborhoods. Questions about excessive force hover also over the case. A police helicopter was sent to a routine call. Officers fired 20 times at Stephon. Adding to the scrutiny is the fact that the police muted their body cameras in the minutes after the shooting and can be seen on camera talking animatedly while Stephon lay dead on the ground. Protests over Stephon’s death have spread across the country: San Diego; Portland, Oregon; and Watertown, Massachusetts, have all had protests, and other cities are planning more. @maxwhittaker photographed these #BlackLivesMatter protesters in downtown Sacramento after Stephon’s funeral yesterday.


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