unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月16日 22時00分

Jim, a proud father to six-week old daughter, Piper, is practicing ‘skin-to-skin’ contact at a hospital in the UK. Holding Piper close keeps her warm and helps baby and father bond. “I’m going to be involved in any way I can: cuddles, reading to her, nappy changes, feeds, everything I can do I’ll do it,” says Jim. “Skin-to-skin feels a lot different than just holding a baby for a cuddle, it feels a lot more connected, it seems a lot more tranquil and peaceful, you focus a lot more, and appreciate how tiny they really are ... it’s a nicer feeling, it’s hard to explain actually." Get the chance to win a signed ⚽️ from Goodwill Ambassador @デビッド・ベッカム by sharing your top parenting tip with a pic/video using the hashtag #EarlyMomentsMatter. Read more in the link in our bio. #FathersDay #SuperDad
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