ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月12日 03時22分

Photograph by George Steinmetz @geosteinmetz

I lost one of my dearest friends this week, with the passing of Donovan Webster. We went on many assignments together over the years. There are some people that you are happy to have on any adventure and share even the most miserable of circumstances. Don was one of those. He always brightened the room and had an effortless way of making everyone laugh at even our most dire predicaments. For National Geographic, he helped me navigate the world’s largest sea of sand, The Empty Quarter of Arabia, and came back for more as we rode a caravan of thirty bactrian camels across the world’s tallest dunes in China’s Gobi Desert. As a writer he had a way of synthesizing an experience with an eloquent and immediate simplicity, and could charm everyone from arrogant diplomat to campfire Bedouin. On expeditions, he was always the best dressed, and made even hardscrabble fieldwork look glamorous. I have never seen anyone wear shorts on the back of a camel, but Don made it look natural, and was endeared by all who met him. The world will miss you Don, as you go on to the greatest of adventures. #DonovanWebster @ナショナルジオグラフィック #adventure #bestwingmanever


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