ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 1月11日 03時47分

“Nauman found that ‘the air was bad’ when he moved to suburban Los Angeles in 1969. The artist’s book ‘L A Air’ features monochromatic photographs of polluted skies, drenched in ominous ocher, red, and brown hues. Without indicators of scale or depth, the images are barely legible as pictures of the sky, putting the documentary function of photography into question.” –Magnus Schaefer, assistant curator on our #BruceNauman exhibition

Inspired by Bruce Nauman, our staff members are celebrating the many ways art pushes us to pay attention and look closer at the world around us. Explore more #MoMApicks: mo.ma/picks

[Credit: Bruce Nauman. “L A Air from Artists & Photographs.” 1970. Artist's book, offset printed, from a portfolio of nineteen printed objects. Gift of Kynaston McShine. © 2018 Bruce Nauman / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo: Jonathan Muzikar]


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