CIAのインスタグラム(cia) - 10月31日 06時52分

(4/4) “You take to the discretion and the humility that’s part of working here. You think you’re special, but wait 'til you meet some of your coworkers. Doing the extraordinary is the default setting for everyone here. You also start to see the world in a far more nuanced way. And you realize that there’s a lot that goes beyond the decisions happening today. There’s a history before this time and there’s also going to be a tomorrow happening after the fact, and you need to see the world in that context. I think it makes you a more informed and better citizen. You start to understand things that we take for granted—why we vote, where our tax dollars go, that you can expect services, that your water and electricity are going to function. When you have these travel experiences, you realize that this is not the norm in a large portion of the world, and that, for all of our problems, we’re still a country with a lot worth protecting. We have to really treasure our rights as citizens, but also understand that we owe a lot of our comforts as citizens to people and things that far exceed us, which is why protecting these institutions and traditions is so important.” .


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