アンドレア・フエンテスのインスタグラム(andreafuentes83) - 11月10日 03時56分

#Motivationmarathon day 4: the goals in the team are very different?

The will to pass the limits to grow and discover how far you arrive is something that not everybody wants. Mainly because it means to have unpleasant physical sensations. Sometimes very hard ones. But there is people who don’t care that much because the fire of achievement it’s very alive. They want to be better everyday, learn from each other to feel they are becoming stronger and wiser.

In an individual sport it’s easier. In a team you want the maximum people driving in the same direction or the team will be very weak. The swimmers who want to work hard become frustrated because they need the team to achieve their goals and the ones who don’t want it that much feel bad because they see in their faces the push they don’t feel inside. How to arrange it?? It’s important to have at least 3 swimmers with hight motivation and a certain power to influence the team. If the low motivation ones are the influencers, the coach will have a very hard time!

The ones who are hard workers generally is because they have A WHY. My advise is keep pushing even if they don’t follow you. Don’t let them discourage you, one day you will have people with sparkling eyes around you, and if not, at least you sticked to your values. Remember who you are and why you swim for. Nobody has the right to water your fire. It’s your responsibility, because it will be very easy to say, “Ok, who cares, let’s lower the expectations” Don’t!! Finish proud everyday and challenge yourself with little victories. Try to find a person who can help you to change the mood of the team too, don’t try to convince everybody.
The ones who don’t feel so motivated, make sure you don’t push down other people’s dreams. Respect the hard work of others. Respect the coaches they want to help you. And most important, learn to appreciate the details of everyday. For me, this is the way to find happiness, it doesn’t depend in which field you are in, it’s a way of perceive the world for the rest of your life: enjoy the little things, the team, the process of growing and the beauty of your sport that made you fall in love with Synchro when you started


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




