アンドレア・フエンテスのインスタグラム(andreafuentes83) - 11月11日 01時18分

#motovationmarathon day 5: How to stand up after a fall

In competition, every time somebody is winning a lot more are not doing it so there is a lot of disappointments.
You see everywhere that “failures make you stronger and is the only way to learn”. Personally I never felt that, and the times I/we were failing, I was obviously feeling bad, always said to myself, “ok everybody says you learn from failures more than victories, let’s think...🤔” ... - silence - ... nothing... “What the ...! I’m just very angry and sad that’s all I can say! 😂 I wondered every time, did I learn more than winning now? No,ok what ever.

So I cannot tell you the same because this was not my experience. The only 2 things I like from failures are:
1.- That I know I don’t want to feel like this again, so I better start stand up
2.- Thanks to failures the victories feel 1 MILION times better than without them 💪

The process is: I get angry, sad, I allow myself to feel like this for a while (maybe a night or a couple of days) and then I start having this feeling of trust. I really trust it will be good. It’s not a believe, I just KNOW every thing will be great sooner or later. The hunger comes again.
To me I prefer to learn from victories Becasue they guide me in the correct way. Failures give me a sensation of lost, of “and now what, where?” And they take me out some confidence at the beginning. Then, after listening inside, when I can say “I will get there in a way or another, babe..” then I start again, no rush, step by step I keep going on until I realize that while LOVE for what you do and with STRONG DETERMINATION as your flag, then a victory will come.
And I’m not talking about medals, I’m talking about any goal, small, big, mediocre or crazy. Anything you want to do, can be successful or not, failure is not a problem, We don’t like them but doesn’t mean we decide to avoid them. Just go out of the victim mode when it happens. Put a little bit of humor in and say, “ok, I got it, it was not the perfect day, and that’s OK”. Winning every time it will be too boring. RISK and CHALLENGE will always have space for failure, but it’s the only way to have access to VICTORY! 💪


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




