アンドレア・フエンテスのインスタグラム(andreafuentes83) - 11月12日 05時01分

#motivationmaraton day 6! How to deal with school and training.
First of all, again remember this is YOUR choice! Stay away from the “complaining mode”. When we are tired after practice and it’s already 10:00pm and we still have at least 4 hours more of study, it’s hard! But all athletes have the same challenge. Thousands of people did it before, so YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

The worst period are the 2 years before University, at least in Europe. I remember some days having big crisis at night after 10 hours practice saying “There is no way to do every thing!!!!🤬”. But the day after you keep going and you remember you are doing it because you want to have a good future and not be homeless right? If you study and train at the same time you will be much more prepared than a normal student too, so think it’s hard now but you will be a “polished diamond” later! Also remember there is not only the common system to follow, there are plenty of ways to grow and educate yourself.
It’s KEY to MANAGE your TIME. Lots of books that teach you how to do it and I REALLY recommend them because nobody shows you how to deal with all of this. When you complain about your life ask to yourself if you were really using the time in an efficient way. Build a schedule to place the important things first and if at the end of the day you have time for social media, then do it, but not before. Social media is a great tool but can be your course too. Put the first things first! And remember if we could do it, YOU CAN DO IT! I remember my sister studying even in the 20 minutes break between practices, for me, my sister was the example to study while training 10 hours/day, she did the 4 years of the Psychology degree with one of the best scores of her class. She was smart but the biggest thing is she managed her time in a very efficient way! I was not so into the common education system in my case, I chose other ways to grow too. Remember the little victories, divide the goals and you will feel much better! Step by step. The picture is the moment I passed my exam of Economy during my Sociology degree, I didn’t enjoy it, but now I’m grateful because it’s useful for @synkrolovers!


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