サラ・ステージのインスタグラム(sarahstage) - 1月21日 13時32分

Logan you are my hero, you took the IV like a champ and manage to smile and even offer me your hospital food and juice 😭 To all the parents out there struggling with sick children, you got this!! And you are amazing!! Watching your child in pain has to be one of the WORST feelings. I’d do anything to trade places 😩 If you’re at home with a healthy child hug them extra tight tonight. Logan has an infection, they are doing tests to figure out what it is, so hoping we only stay here for a few nights which is nothing compared to many children who deal with hospitals on a regular basis.
Also, shout out to all the nurses and doctors out there, working around the clock to make our babies comfortable.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




