Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 3月27日 01時37分

When the world flips us upside down, what else can we do besides:

Accept our new present reality,
Release what no longer serve us,
Surrender that which we cannot control,
And get to work on what we can?

Finding stillness and peace in the uncertainty despite the discomfort.

I have always been fascinated with duality—how something so painful can also be so beautiful that it simultaneously heals your heart as it’s breaking. How someone who’s so strong and sure in some areas of their life can also be deeply sensitive, and at times, weak in others.
How chaos has a knack for eventually producing clarity on the things that really matter to us.
And how darkness and light lives within each and every one of us.

Dancing between the polarities is what the experience of life is for me.

So the challenge, when I am feeling skewed to one side, is how can I also make room for the other?
How can I notice the beauty?
The healing.
The coming together, slowing down, and connecting that’s taking place all over the world.
And instead of only seeing how the happenings of change and crisis will cause pain and suffering, how can I also see that these humans will grow from this experience?
That the entire world will grow from this experience.
And that every one of us is fully capable of rising to that challenge.

I believe in the powerful adaptation machine that is the human being.

I don’t know what’s going to happen but I trust myself.
I trust the process.

And no matter what dips and turns the ride of life has in store, I believe in me, and I believe in you. ✨

There’s about to be massive growth on a global scale.
Universe, we may not all think so, but I believe that we’re ready for this.


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