NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 4月15日 01時31分

Doug Morton, Earth scientist | “One of my favorite places on Earth is one of the most beautiful parts of the Amazon basin that I've ever had the privilege of visiting. There's a national forest right next to the Tapajos River and it's a place we've long studied in the central Brazilian Amazon.

Inside the national forest, we've built a tower that allows you to walk up 150 feet into the air. As you walk the steps of this metal tower, you finally step out into the sunlight and the top of the canopy, you're surrounded by an ocean of green. And, in every direction you look, you're seeing the vivid colors of the tropical rainforest canopy.
Studying our home planet has always been a really important part of NASA’s mission. NASA has so many different ways to study our planet and, as a scientist, it's my job to think about which measurements are important for the questions I'd like to look at.

It's really exciting to think about what we'll learn and do over the next 10, 20 or 50 years. And I think that's the exciting part about working at a place like NASA, where we're always thinking about the future … and where the possibilities seem pretty endless.”

Head to our story to listen to Doug's Amazon rainforest adventure in NASA's Curious Universe podcast. .
[1] Tree-top view of Amazon rainforest from the 45 m (148 ft) tower
[2] In awe of a giant Kapok tree in the Tapajos National Forest
[3] Ending a long day of field work on the canopy tower with Brazilian scientists

Credits: NASA/Doug Morton


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