NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 4月17日 02時13分

NASA’s Unprecedented Closeup of Asteroid Bennu
NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission captured this series of images Tuesday during the 10-minute span between the Checkpoint burn, about 394 feet (120 meters) above the surface, and the back-away burn, which occurred about 213 feet (65 meters) from the surface.
The Checkpoint rehearsal of the mission’s sample collection event, shows the SamCam instrument’s field of view as the spacecraft approaches and moves away from asteroid Bennu’s surface.
The spacecraft’s sampling arm – called the Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM) – is visible in the central part of the frame, and the relatively clear, dark patch of Bennu’s sample site Nightingale is visible in the later images, at the top. The large, dark boulder that the spacecraft approaches during the sequence is 43 feet (13 meters) on its longest axis. The sequence was created using over 30 images taken by the spacecraft’s SamCam camera. For context, the images are oriented with Bennu’s west at the top.

Credit: University of Arizona


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