下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 5月11日 11時09分

#MothersDay 2
“The Soup Episode”

I think I was around 16.
I was having a quick bite before going on my date. My mother came and said “Don’t you dare leave MY house in such a vulgar outfit.“ I remember I was wearing some second hand military shirt as mini dress. “Mama, you go out and do whatever you want to do. I have my own right whatever I want to do and wear !” I told her impertinently when, lo and behold, she threw my soup over my vintage army shirt and said “ Haha, now you can’t go out !”

After a shocking moment, I protested at her cunning triumphant look with tears. But then she slapped me by her strong words I’d never forget. “Listen, stop whining and remember. Freedom means taking your own responsibility. “

Due to this drama, my date plan was destroyed so she took me out and got me a pretty “not vintage” dress for my next date. We went to eat our favorite Ramen shop. I couldn’t believe she was laughing and telling EVERYONE “The soup episode” as her rebellious teenage daughter ‘s funny story. Of course that made me mad at her again.

I used to hate her eccentric, sometimes too aggressive way of discipline. But today I miss that. I wonder what she’d say here and there especially in uncertain times. Mother’s advises are not always necessary what you want to hear, but they are nothing but real.

Deep respect for tough mamas around the world, wherever she is, dead or alive 🌹✊🏽🌹



その「事件」のあと、ママはデートも台無しになって泣いていたわたしを連れ出し、次のデートのために「品のいい」ミニスカートを買ってくれた。(もちろん新品) 帰りは駅前の江口でラーメンを食べた。江口のおじさんたちに「スープ事件」を面白おかしく話すママに、わたしが再びキレたのは当然のこと。



世界中の「こわいママ」に敬意を🌹 あの世のママもこの世もママも万歳🌹✊🏽


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



