ダニカ・パトリックのインスタグラム(danicapatrick) - 5月16日 09時53分

We are each TOTALLY embodying our vibe when @onwordjourneys and I went to visit @elisaromeoinstagram and @livingmysticism at their soul barn. We spent a couple days diving deep into our souls. Our truths. Our fears. Our trauma. Our wounds. •

If I’m being honest..... when Elisa did energy work on me after I revealed something she felt in her body wasn’t in resonance with my souls truth..... I broke down and bawled 5 separate times. No words the whole time. Just energy work. How is this possible..... we hold so much in our body that we haven’t said, released, healed, or even acknowledged. Our soul is the pathway to our truth. Our freedom. Our highest self. Now is the time to reveal everything. Look at the world right now! Mother Earth is cleansing. Let’s all do the same. •

I’m going to say that I thought nothing was wrong with me, until I started doing the work and peeling away the layers. This has been going on for about 5 years and will continue. All of it leads to WHO I really am. Not who I’m told to be, how I was raised, family projections, childhood wounds, people that have wounded me along the way, life hardening me, and all the protective layers we put on to keep us safe. A big part of that was meeting my soul after reading her book. •

On their solo podcast with me, I tell the story about meeting my soul. Also about how I work with her, Lucy😌. And in the episode with Stacey we talk about what it’s like being empathic. I heard the most amazing explanation of it from her and it kind of changed my life. 🙌🏼 if you’re curious, your soul is calling you........


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