Paige Reillyのインスタグラム(paigereilly) - 5月17日 01時37分

I like wearing makeup⁣

I like having nails⁣

I like wearing some extra ass outfits sometimes⁣

& you can do all of these things AND MORE and still feel confident in your bare skin, wearing sweats, etc. I think that we’ve gotten conditioned to viewing things like makeup, nails, extensions, etc as “fake” - yes they are fake items lol, but that doesn’t mean the PERSON is fake.⁣

If someone does something extra to their appearance, it’s viewed as fake. Just because someone might have a certain appearance on the outside... that doesn’t mean they aren’t honest, transparent, real people. It has nothing to do with someone’s personality, the way they treat people, their integrity, etc.⁣

I do these things because I like them!!!! I love doing my makeup, the act of it is therapeutic. Same goes for nails - creating new designs is fun and calming, putting on a new set feeling proud of what I’ve created, it makes me happy and I enjoy it! There’s nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t make someone fake because they enjoy doing something maybe you don’t.⁣

Same goes for the opposite - just because you don’t like makeup, nails, etc doesn’t mean I think of you any differently!!!!⁣

We can all do want we love, enjoy, and what we simply want to do to express ourselves and that’s the beauty of life. These things don’t always have to be looked at in a negative light. Sometimes people do them because they enjoy it! I enjoy expressing myself through makeup, nails, clothes as well as many other things, but doing something to your outward appearance doesn’t change your heart.⁣

I’m the same me with or without makeup, with or without nails, with sweats or a nice outfit. And there shouldn’t be pressure on either side of the spectrum!!!! Do you, live how you want to live 🤍

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