トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 5月28日 18時21分

So many of us hold back on achieving our dreams because we worry “what if it goes wrong?” Of course anything can fail at any time and we will ALWAYS make mistakes because we are human! It’s ok!! We may only win 1 out of every 10 obstacles we face but that doesn’t mean that we should stop trying, afterall one of something is 100% more than none of something! The more we try the more we learn and learning from our mistakes in life is such a valuable lesson because it helps us to succeed in future endeavours by doing things differently and knowing what to look out for. It’s only when we repeat our mistakes time and time again without changing our ways that we get stuck in a rut and face failure. Never be put off of trying something new, wanting to better yourself and achieving your goals. Yes you COULD make a mistake, or you COULD achieve the life of your dreams - what have you really got to lose? The only true mistake is not trying at all and wasting this beautiful opportunity of life 🙏🏼 #mistake #oops #makenomistake #nevergiveup #keepongoing


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