ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 6月27日 18時45分

A question I’m ALWAYS asked about Mia is my hopes for her future, and honestly my main hope is that she’s happy and her relationship with food & her body is positive. I get a lot of DMs from ppl who are suffering from or recovering from eating disorders & it breaks me to think a person suffers with mental torture around food they need to survive & thrive. 😞 Growing up I had to have vegetables with my meals, there was no fizzy drinks in the house (which I’m now SO grateful for) but on a friday as a family we’d have a big chippy tea & stop for sweets or chocolate on the way home and eat them as we pleased over the weekend ☺️ As an adult I understand why my mum chose to do that. She wanted mine & my sisters health to be at the forefront of growing up but not deprive us of things we enjoy. It’s stuck with me too. I still have a weekly chippy or a pizza, my drink of choice is always water because dad used to tell me lions drink water & what kid doesn’t want to be as strong as a lion?! 😂 We don’t have sweets in the cupboards at home. I only have them if I’m out at the cinema for example or get them in for special occasions of course! There wasn’t any “good or bad” foods for us. It was just about the quantity of certain foods we ate. Veggies everyday, sweets not every day 🤷🏼‍♀️ Mia loves food and I’ll never deprive her of anything. My goal is to make meal times a family enjoyable time. Not a counting calories / fear of too many carbs / jumping on the scales after time which so many people do. I hope anyone suffering with eating disorders gets the help they need and realises their worth. I don’t reply to the DMs asking my advice because truly I don’t know enough about it & I’d hate to give anyone the wrong advice or say the wrong thing. I see them though and some of you are so young 😞 please speak about how you feel. Or chose an account on here to follow that helps you. Unfollow anyone who makes you feel anything negative about yourself. You’re more than just a body. More than just a target weight. You’re human. And you deserve health & happiness ❤️


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