デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 12月27日 07時47分

This year’s social distancing separated us in more ways than just physical, so I asked the leader of one of America’s religious leaders about it.

Humans are built to thrive in community. The absence of what we’re used to is forcing us to be creative during this year of lockdown and limitations, but hasn’t fully substituted for what it means to be together. Humans don’t thrive when they’re alone.

In my interview with @pb_curry, we talked about about connecting hearts and minds on deeper levels. He leads a national preaching and teaching ministry and has authored five books, including his newest, “Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times.”

We’re going to come out of this changed, that’s certain. And, hopefully, re-energized and ready to re-engage in more significant ways as a human community.

Don’t miss my full conversation with @pb_curry on Bulletproof Radio episode 764


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