トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 1月5日 18時39分

Comment “FLAMES” letter by letter uninterrupted below and I’ll pick a winner to receive a surprise in their DMs 🔥 We must never be in a hurry in life my darlings, don’t rush to grow up, don’t wish away the years hoping for a better future and losing the blessing of today; take your time and enjoy every moment for the blessing that it is. Do everything calmly with your best effort, dedication and kindness and never lose your inner peace - you’re far better and stronger than that. Even if the entire world is falling apart around you you can rise above the flames and overcome it. Life is a test sent to challenge abs break us before we then rebuild ourselves stronger, more confident and capable than ever. This is a lesson we must all learn the hard way for ourselves - I promise you one day you will look back on this time and use it as a reference to teach others about your own survival and overcoming struggles. Hold on, rise above it and keep your inner peace and positivity at the forefront of all that you do 🙏🏼
Photographer: @awimagez
MUA: @oliviawellbourne
#stronger #survivor #mindsetiseverything #positivity #girlpower


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