VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 8月16日 00時46分

"It allows you to be super vulnerable and to share these deep parts of yourself."

Once a year, Isabel and her husband, Joseph – both physicians in their forties – book a babysitter, rent a room and take MDMA to work through conflicts in their relationship. "You're just kind of a different couple on the other side of it," says Joseph.

The pair are among a cohort using drugs like MDMA and ketamine for couples' therapy. Jayne Gumpel, a New York-based clinical social worker, has treated around 150 couples using ketamine. "I tell my couples, 'Look, this is not a magic pill, it's an assist,'" she says. "And I would say that, if they're willing to do the work, it expedites forgiveness."

According to Jayne, a number of these couples have recommitted to each other after being on the brink of divorce.

Psychedelics are having a clinical renaissance, with substances like ketamine, psilocybin and MDMA being studied and used to treat issues like depression, PTSD, drug addiction, and end-of-life anxiety.


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