テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 9月23日 21時55分

This #BiVisibilityDay we’re exploring the life and portraits of Gwen John, a Welsh artist who worked in France for most of her career.


Most of John’s paintings are of cats, interiors and women. We don’t know who all of these women are, but we know she had intense encounters with her sitters. Although Auguste Rodin was her great love, John had a series of romances with both men and women throughout her life. We know this from her countless letters to friends and lovers, where we gain a greater understanding of her feelings and emotions. She wrote often about her ‘desire for a more interior life,’ and she often sought a kind of solitude in which she could become ‘so strong that people and things could not effect me beyond reason.’ This desire for solitude is reflected in her quiet scenes and subdued sitters.

🖼️ Find John’s self-portrait, and a portrait of her close friend Chloë Boughton-Leigh, painted in Paris in 1904, on free display in ‘Historic and Modern British Art: A Room of One’s Own’ at Tate Britain.


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