Anna Starodubtsevaのインスタグラム(anyastar) - 8月10日 02時03分

Las couple days were so crazy! No sleep, traveling around, working out, dieting, always in the rush. Today I finally got some good quality sleep and I'm in my hotel room chilling in my bed and don't want to move at all! Just being in the zone before the contest. Putting all my s.... Together and finally will do my paper work for @team_optimum
And I'm sorry for my natural look, but that's how I prefer to look every day, I'm not that kind of girls who puts make up on and fake eye lashes every day even chilling in bed lol. I pay more attention to what people think and what they say and how they act rather then how they look :))) #anyastar #chilling in the #room #inthezone


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