Anna Starodubtsevaのインスタグラム(anyastar) - 9月28日 09時57分

Sometimes I get negative comments about my style from my followers. Something like " it's not in style anymore"
But what is the style? Can someone give me the definition of "Style"
In my opinion style is what fits your the best, is what hides your flaws and emphasizes your strong points, something you feel comfortable and confident wearing. It doesn't have to be the latest fashion piece of designer cloths, it doesn't have be in trend right now, or it may be. Sometimes people try to look very fashionable and don't even pay attention to way this clothes fits them.
Don't be afraid to look different, to have your own personality, that's why we need clothes- to show off our personality, to be differ from other people, and if someone says it's not in style, oh well, who the f... cares after all if it looks good, it looks good!
I have this dress for almost 4 years and I don't care if it's out of style now, I love it !


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