National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 4月4日 22時09分

#NatGeoTravelStories // Follow our account this weekend as @magnumji shares images from a recent expedition to Antarctica and South Georgia Island.
#1 The Little People

Penguins are some of the silliest, busiest, curious, and sometimes stoic (like in this photo) little creatures on the face of the planet. I spent hours photographing these King Penguins on South Georgia island, and I never got tired of their endless antics. They waddle to and fro, make the strangest kazoo-like sound through their beaks, and flap flap flap each other with their flippers if one gets too close for comfort. It's more than a colony, it's a comedy show as well. I love all stages of travel...the idea, the planning, the actual travel, and then returning home happy and filled with new experiences. I think one of the sweetest stages of travel, the one that lasts the longest, is the memories you have and continue to think back on. It is a great comfort to me, in my everyday life in Washington DC, to know those crazy penguins I saw all over this island are still, right this very minute, stealing pebbles from each other, making a ruckus in the colony with their endless Kazoo-ing, and waddling down the beach with purpose like they have somewhere really important to go. #natgeoexpeditions #natgeoantarctica #antarctica


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