ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月14日 22時05分

In #Pakistan, a traditional Kushti #wrestler showered after training. Most photographs from Pakistan depict something awful or its aftermath. But the Spanish photographer @diego.ibarra.sanchez saw something different amid all the tragedy: hope. “I started realizing that whatever happened, Pakistanis keep moving forward,” said Diego, who called the country home for five years. “They don’t lose their hope, they don’t stop moving to the future. I thought it was my duty to show more, to show more than the terrorism, the nightmare, that there is hope for the future.” And so he began dividing his work from Pakistan into two categories: “Nightmare,” for many of the kind of images one expects to see, and “Hope,” for less frequently seen images of daily life, like this one, which he took in 2011. #lensblog


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