ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月17日 01時36分

In the spring of 1957, two suspects were picked up at @grandcentralnyc after they were caught planning to rob the New York Central Railroad cashier’s office of $130,000. An article on the arrests described the scene: One suspect “was pretending to study the telephone book outside a booth in the hallway. His arm rested on a brown paper bag.” The other, meanwhile, “was across the hall, leaning on the door to the ticket receiver’s office.” A third man, described as a “very tough egg” and an “underworld gunman,” escaped — purportedly with a sawed-off shotgun in hand. Among the suspects' possessions, photographed by the Times photographer Neal Boenzi, were a pillowcase, gloves, adhesive tape and a nose-and-glasses disguise. Smooth criminals. #tbt #archives


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