スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 8月9日 00時23分

Elephants are being slaughtered at an unprecedented and unsustainable rate. For over 100 years, our scientists have led efforts to improve understanding of the care and conservation of Asian elephants. While only male Asian elephants have tusks, they’re still very much at risk from wildlife trafficking. Asian elephant populations are already much lower than African elephant populations. Selective poaching (such as taking males with the largest tusks) leads to removing certain genes from the gene pool and diminishing genetic diversity. Without genetic diversity, the future of the entire species is threatened. At risk habitat loss and human conflict, Asian elephants need us to take action now; our stand against wildlife trafficking and purchasing ivory, at home and abroad, will help ensure a future for wild elephants, both Asian and African. Learn more here: http://s.si.edu/1EtrU9n #elephantintheroom #starttheconvo


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