スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 8月4日 22時22分

It’s been 100 days since Mei Xiang was artificially inseminated! Our veterinarians performed another routine ultrasound this morning, but it’s still too early to tell if Mei is pregnant or experiencing a pseudopregnancy. Mei seized the opportunity to play with the ultrasound jelly after the procedure, scent-anointing herself with it around her ears and face. Keepers have noticed a shift in Mei’s behavior over the past week. She is eating significantly less, sleeping significantly more, and nest-building. All of those behaviors are consistent with a pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. As a result, our corps of skilled volunteer giant panda behavior watchers are going to start focusing more intensely on Mei. While our volunteers track changes in Mei’s behavior, the panda cams may be focused solely on her at times. However, Bao Bao and Tian Tian will still be on camera! We have not moved to 24-hour #cubwatch yet, that will likely happen later this summer when Mei’s hormones begin to rise. #PandaStory


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