Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 9月25日 13時15分

They told me to stay close to anything that made me glad I was alive. So I stayed close to home. I stayed close to Aladdin”

Aladdin, today marks a year that I lost you.
And losing you is a loss I can never compensate for. You were my best friend, my brother, my hero. And you have left me with all that I live for today.
I am blessed for your belief and undying love that inspired me to fully recover. I am blessed for your heart-enthused drive that ultimately impassioned my own athletic pursuits. I am blessed for the reassuring compassion that I felt whenever you were close. I am blessed for the man you were, for your life embodied all that I hope to someday become. You have been the core to all my doings and the core to all that I love. Your life is the source to my strength to which I draw from each and every day.
And in all ways possible, you have saved me.

There is a fire burning within; that fire is you Aladdin. And just like your love, it will go on forever.

Today marks a year that I lost you.
But I find you everywhere I look.

I love you Aladdin


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