Anna Starodubtsevaのインスタグラム(anyastar) - 10月25日 23時22分

Building a strong body requires good food. The mind, too, needs nourishment to grow stronger. Just as the body is what we eat, the mind absorbs what it experiences. For a healthy body, we avoid junk food. Why not avoid junk experience too?
We need nourishing thoughts and experiences to make our minds strong.
Eknath Easwaran
You are what you think. This is so true. If you are full of negative thoughts you'll attract the same - negativity. We have to work our mind for positive thoughts. It's just like you workout and nourish your body to keep it in shape, you have to do the same with your brain: train it, stretch it, flex it. Not only getting stronger physically but mentally. Grow as a personality, nourish your brain with positive thoughts and becoming a better person every day,
Better yourself, not only physically but mentally.
Piece ?
#anyastar #thoughts
Photo credit: @steventrumon


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