キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月5日 20時45分

I took this picture today while out and about in Mysore. It wasn't at an ashram or any fancy place. It was nestled in between traffic, scooters, garbage, cows and shops. The lotus flower is a symbol of the spiritual journey. Growing untouched and pure from the muddy waters below, it is like the spirit which remains pure despite the tainting of samskaras and experiences in life. It has many different names including the "Indian Lotus", the "Sacred Lotus", the "Bean of India". In Sanskrit it's known as Padma, building the asana called Padmasana, Lotus Pose. The lotus flower petals symbolize the expansion of consciousness to its highest potential. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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