キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月23日 11時57分

#PracticePracticePractice Day 23. There is an inner world that awaits your discovery. With as little as five minutes a day you can open your mind and heart to the bridge that will take you there. There are days when I don't do intensive asana, no yoga poses, but I sit every day. Today I'm on my ladies cycle so no intensive asana even though I'm teaching. But without meditation I would be lost. In the quiet listening space of the subtle body there is a light that draws you to its source. Still the mind, see the truth within yourself, set yourself free. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Check with @beachyogagirl for her practice post today. Each post raises money for @twloha Follow @omstarsapparel @liquidoactive and post every day to win some awesome prizes! ?


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