トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 5月9日 20時20分

I've had a lovely morning meeting the @bulliesoutuk team, inspirational ladies and such a wonderful service they provide. I'm incredibly humbled to have been able to fundraise £1,000.00 with thanks to your kind donations. Bullying is an all consuming and life changing issue that we take with us well into adult life, we must all address and seek a way to prevent such behaviour rather than wait for more lives to be damaged and lost. Please speak to those around you, lend a kind ear and give victims a voice ??????? #love #peace #namaste #bulliesout #bullying #antibullying #bullyingsupport #help #support #guidance #standupspeakout #speak #beheard #voice #victim #victimsupport #selfconcidence #selfesteem #confidence #school #charity


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