ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月15日 23時09分

The world dismisses them as economic migrants. The law treats them as criminals. Prayers alone protect them on the journey across the merciless #Sahara. The men and boys on the migrant trail out of countries like #Niger and Mali say fickle rains and hotter days leave them no option but to risk their lives to gain a livelihood. In Agadez, a fabled gateway town of sand and hustle, @ニューヨーク・タイムズ journalists met dozens of them. Today, migration is the main industry in Agadez. Bori Bokoum, a 21-year-old from Mali, had been there for 3 months when he spoke to @ニューヨーク・タイムズ reporter Somini Sengupta. He was waiting for his mother to send him money — about $600 — to make the 3-day trip from Agadez to the Libyan border. Men ride on the back of pickup trucks that stop briefly at a police checkpoint before speeding into the dunes. Those who fall off are left behind. And those who venture a journey across the Mediterraneantake a deadly gamble, too. “The migrant road,” said the manager of a smugglers’ den in Agadez, “is a road on fire.” Visit the link in our profile to read the full story and to see more video and images from Niger by the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ staff photographer @joshhaner.


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