ジュリアナ・デヴァーのインスタグラム(cleverdeverwherever) - 12月3日 02時25分

Instagram #colorfail
You guys. Color is HARD. Believe it not, I was a goth throughout high school and beyond. I only ever EVER wore black.
I’ve tried to grow up and wear colors. Heck, my hair is teal, so that’s a step in the rainbow direction.
But IRL #grayismyfavoritecolor So yes, I realize the gray on gray on gray look I’m rocking is a bit monotonous and even worse - GASP -an Instagram fail. But I just can’t keep buying clothes that look good in photos like I’m some kind of Traveling Barbie™️. I’m me, and I like wearing black and white clothes in a color curated world. #sorrynotsorry
Anyway, here’s Portugal. ?
#beyourself #itsokaytobegray #colormegoth #goingbacktomyroots #cleverdeverwherever #julianadever #visitportugal #monsantoportugal #medievalarchitecture #travel #cantskipportugal #igersportugal #igportugal
#travelportugal #villagecat


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