ジェン・セルターのインスタグラム(jenselter) - 1月5日 05時18分

We ALL start somewhere. Not just in health and fitness, but life! Were you an expert when you started your first job? Did you get promoted in your first two weeks? Was your first relationship the one you can still say you’re in today? Some people may be able to answer yes, but a lot of people have to face these struggles over the course of their lives. It’s not something that happens overnight. So how can you expect your fitness journey to be the same? We all love some instant gratification 🙌🏼 ( Like the way dark chocolate hits my 💗) But your health isn’t where you should expect that, it’s where you should expect persistence and consistency to create serious results! If you bring the effort & open mind, I’ll bring all of the tools to help you come a little more into your own in 2020 🎊


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