NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 4月27日 01時02分

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's primary structure is now in our clean room! This cleanroom has housed many great @NASA missions in the past, including @NASAHubble and @NASAWebb!

Check out the link in our bio to learn more about this milestone move.
📷 NASA/ Jolearra Tshiteya/ Chris Gunn

Image Description:
1: A large, silver and gold metallic hexagonal primary structure is suspended from the ceiling in a bright, spacious room. The structure is hollow, and is smooth and circular on the inside. Its exterior has six sides, each covered with a diamond-like pattern. The structure hangs from long yellow cables. Three people in head-to-toe white protective gear look on in the foreground. Hundreds of pale pink squares line a wall in the background.

2: Wide shot of the above structure being moved into the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center cleanroom.The door to the room is opened halfway. The room is several stories tall; its far left wall is covered in pinkish-gray filtration tiles, and the right wall is shiny white with royal blue stripes near the ceiling and light blue panels near the floor. There are 4 people wearing the suits mentioned above surrounding the structure. There is a man in a red shirt in the foreground holding a yellow hose connected to the structure. He is standing outside of the cleanroom.

3: A wide angle of a clean room with the structure suspended from the ceiling in midair. The room is several stories tall; its far wall is covered in pinkish-gray filtration tiles, and the left and right walls are shiny white with royal blue stripes near the ceiling and light blue panels near the floor. The room is filled with scaffolds and tables holding equipment and parts, and people in white coveralls looking toward the telescope part.

4: Same location and structure above. The structure is hollow, and is smooth and circular on the inside. Its exterior has 6 sides, each covered with a diamond-like pattern. Short gold panels stick out like paddles from the seams of the hexagon. Other scaffolds and platforms are visible throughout the room.


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