starRoのインスタグラム(starro) - 6月20日 20時14分

自然に囲まれたところに住んで、規則正しい生活して、健康的な食生活して、畑で土いじってってやっても、今までの人生で貯めてきた傷がすぐに癒えて、ハッピーになる なんていうほど短絡的なものじゃないと思います。




Living in the serene place surrounded by nature, keeping your own pace of living, and eating healthy doesn’t instantly cure your wounds of the heart that you accumulated throughout your life.

There is a time I find peace and feels like my struggle finally comes to the end, and then all of the sudden something comes out of the blue that blows up everything. It feels like I came back to square one and I am stuck in the endless loop.

But I would notice that I didn’t come back to the exact same place. I would notice that I am able to observe how I react to the psychological trigger more objectively, and the improvement can be recognized more clearly as I live in such a serene environment.

True “retreat” is like a marathon.
That’s why it’s important for me to show myself feeling low, as well as how I get over it. Because what people need is the real retreat that embraces both the brightness and the darkness!

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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