Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 8月2日 23時26分

Like the Brazilian forests that they call home, golden lion tamarins are in danger of disappearing due to the expansion of industry, agriculture, and logging. In the early 1970s, there were as few as 200 golden lion tamarins in the wild. To save this species from extinction, a ground-breaking conference was held in 1972, bringing European, American, and Brazilian biologists together to develop long-term recommendations and plans for husbandry, research, and conservation activities. While the estimate of golden lion tamarins living in the wild has continued to rise in recent years, they are still classified as endangered because their habitat remains fragmented, with each area capable of supporting only a small number of groups. Continued conservation efforts, such as reforestation and the creation of wildlife corridors are essential for the population of tamarins to continue to grow. Photo taken @lincolnchildrenszoo.

#GoldenLionTamarinDay #tamarins #monkeys #primates #animals #wildlife #photography #animalphotography #wildlifephotography #studioportrait #PhotoArk @insidenatgeo


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